About us

We strongly believe that active involvement of citizens is key to enable
each country to responsibly manage their own waste. For this reason, we
decided to create GreenLink, owned and managed by professionals with
over 15 years of international experience.
We want to encourage people to take
action and recycle, by making the
overall process simple and
hassle-free for them. To achieve this,
we analyse our client’s specific
requirements to then customise the
most efficient and adequate solution.
We use all our expertise in process improvement, logistics and
distribution to benefit the environment and aim to progressively improve
the city’s waste collection services.


Our mission is to encourage recycling
through specialised services that promote
its practice, minimizing the ecological
footprint caused by poor solid waste


Become an industry reference for other
companies and organisations to join and
strengthen a culture of recycling. Our goal
is to make recycling hassle-free and easy
for everyone.